Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Workshop Coming in June 2011


基礎課程: 星期六/日
主題課程: 星期四/六/日


網站: www.artisens.com

時間表 Event Calendar:

Friday, December 03, 2010

Lampwork Party 燈工分享派對 on 26 Dec

最近認識了很多燈工人, 跟他們分享了他們的創作心得及理想. 非常開心, 因為我終於感受到在香港的燈工群組開始成長了.

為了讓大家認識更多燈工人及促進大家的交流, 我特意為大家準備了一個分享派對, 詳請如下:

日期&時間 Date & Time: 26 December 2010 / 12pm – 3pm
內容: 飲飲食食, 可愛心型及花型雕塑示範, 技巧分享, 抽獎. 每位參加者將獲贈神秘燈工百寶袋.

Content:  Eat, drink, mini-heart and flower sculptures demo, technique sharing and lucky draw. Each participants will have a bag of secret lampwork goodies.

Details 詳情:

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Micromosaic Workshop 微馬賽克工作坊

December 2010
Micromosaic Workshop 微馬賽克工作坊
(Plesae scroll down for English Version)

你將會體驗自Mr Cucco直接傳授給我的傳統義大利的微馬賽克技術,Mr Cucco 曾經在威尼斯有名的聖馬可教堂負責修復工作超過25年。


日期: 2010年12月5日(星期日)
時間: 下午2時到6時 (共4小時)
地點: 賽馬會創意藝術中心L6-23 Artisens Studio
費用: HK$400 (包括材料及工具)
語言: 廣東話 or 英語
報名及查詢: 陸小姐 (91431393) shanluk88[at!]hotmail.com
導師: 陸珊



JCCAC 節目資訊:


Italian Micro Mosaic Workshop
Making antique jewellery in an afternoon? It can also be the most unique gift to your love ones!

Micromosaic jewellery appeared as early as 1900’s. Now you can also do it yourself! You can experience in this workshop traditional Italian techniques for making micro mosaic for antique jewellery items.

I learnt this techinique directly from Mr Cucco, the professional mosaicist who had worked for the restoration of the church in San Marco Square in Venice for over 25 years.

Each participant can take home one micro mosaic pendant with antique design.

Date: 5 Dec 2010 (Sunday)
Workshop Fee: HK$400 (Including all tools and materials)
Time: 2-6pm (Total 4 Hours)
Venue: L6-23, Artisens Studio, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong.
Lauguage: Cantonese or English
Instructor: Shan Luk

Enquiry and Registration: Ms Luk (91431393) shanluk88[at!]hotmail.com

Notes for Payment -
Please transfer the workshop fee to HSBC account number 804-0000-518 within 2 days.

* Please keep the transfer receipt
* Please sms or email me after payment had been successfully completed

Feature in JCCAC website-


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mosaic Workshop with Mr Cucco

這個三天的工作坊是偶然的安排. 剛剛好我有時間及有機會學威尼斯的馬賽克技巧, 我就參加了. 原來Cucco先生曾經為威尼斯的聖馬可教堂做馬賽克的修復工作達27年. 真的是一名大師.

在頭兩天的課程裡, 我們學會了用小小玻璃磚切成需要的小塊然後穩固的貼在不同的表面上. 這是我的第一件作品.

在第三天, 我們出乎意料之外可以學到微馬賽克的技巧. 我十幾年前收到的一份禮物就是微馬賽克的吊嘴,多年來都想學會怎樣做. 想不到這是可以一天學會.

這可不是我做的喔. 是老師的珍藏.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lampwork Bench

This is where I make my glass beads, with the oxygen/propane torch and simple tools. You can see the adjusted arm rest which was once a hand rest for keyboard.
Guess which is the most expensive tool on the bench? It's the glass cane rest on the top right hand corner from Murano, Italy. Althought I forgot how much it costed, but certaily it's the most expensive one because I used one night to make the decision. Normally, I'm so addicted to new tools that I pay before I think about why.

New Material

Like many handcrafters, sometimes I doubt whether I've caught kind of shopping addiction on tools and materials. Thursday, I came across a shop in Guangzhou for wrapping paper, when I came out, I had this bundle of ribbon in my bag.
It's difficult to understand myself in this area, because, I already have to many beads, tools, fabrics, paper, glass, silver, wire, gemstones, pearls, craft books, etc. in my studio and why I need more bundle of ribbon?

The good news is that I already have some ideas in mind and need some time for making a prototype. The key word is 'some time'.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Back

It's been ages since my last visit to this blog. My previous posts sounds alien to me ... who wrote those? Did I?

A lot progress from then and a whole lot of things to be done (sigh).

Accidentally jumped into the shop 'la Belle Epoque' and met Billie today. Her passion for handcraft remined me why I quit my job and what's my dream.

Thank you Billie.

Again, a lot to be done......

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Another Side of Reality

Floating in and out of the creative space can be joyful and fulfilling spritually but we have got to face the everyday reality in order to sustain.

I just moved all my stuff home from my shared studio in Tai Koo. Wondering through the carton box labyrinth makes me feel like I am living in a warehouse making friend with dust and confusion.

Accounting matters come as a package of the whole rental thing and cutting off from the place is something more than just moving out.

There are certain things and people that makes us happy and it is very likely that they are accompanied by other things. It a mental process to accept peacefully the 'by-products' and continue the joy and pleasure. That is a trade off in life. If we can comprimise, we can enjoy the pleasure and eventually becomes happier; otherwise, we have to let it go.

The worst thing to do is to complain what we do not have without putting effort in makin things happen. No one can have all the good things in life.

Hope it will not take too long to finish the 'by-products' before I start torching again.