Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lampwork Bench

This is where I make my glass beads, with the oxygen/propane torch and simple tools. You can see the adjusted arm rest which was once a hand rest for keyboard.
Guess which is the most expensive tool on the bench? It's the glass cane rest on the top right hand corner from Murano, Italy. Althought I forgot how much it costed, but certaily it's the most expensive one because I used one night to make the decision. Normally, I'm so addicted to new tools that I pay before I think about why.

New Material

Like many handcrafters, sometimes I doubt whether I've caught kind of shopping addiction on tools and materials. Thursday, I came across a shop in Guangzhou for wrapping paper, when I came out, I had this bundle of ribbon in my bag.
It's difficult to understand myself in this area, because, I already have to many beads, tools, fabrics, paper, glass, silver, wire, gemstones, pearls, craft books, etc. in my studio and why I need more bundle of ribbon?

The good news is that I already have some ideas in mind and need some time for making a prototype. The key word is 'some time'.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Back

It's been ages since my last visit to this blog. My previous posts sounds alien to me ... who wrote those? Did I?

A lot progress from then and a whole lot of things to be done (sigh).

Accidentally jumped into the shop 'la Belle Epoque' and met Billie today. Her passion for handcraft remined me why I quit my job and what's my dream.

Thank you Billie.

Again, a lot to be done......